beNeFit XI: a color-filled night to cure NF

In 2023, our creative team faced unexpected obstacles while supporting The beNeTit, an annual charity gala dedicated to curing NF. With a sudden shift in theme and the departure of two key designers, this was a challenging project. But, the team stepped up.

Despite the challenges we created a visually stunning event centered around the theme of color. On the creative side, this required seamless collaboration between our design, creative, and art direction teams, as well as our motion and video departments. Other partners included the events team and the team at NF Forward.

Despite the obstacles, our collective efforts yielded remarkable results. The event surpassed expectations, captivating attendees with its immersive experience and surpassing previous fundraising efforts. This project exemplified the power of teamwork, resilience, and creativity in achieving our goals.

Style Guide

Our team of designers provided a comprehensive style guide to serve as a roadmap for the various teams working on the event, ensuring consistent and cohesive branding across all assets. Covering logo usage, color palettes, typography choices, and the afterglow logo, this style guide served as a source of truth for all of the teams involved.

Print Materials

Event Photos

Photos from the event featuring assets made by the Rocket creative team including signage, bar backs, menus, table numbers, and auction insert.


Account: Christina McGee

Creative Direction: Calli Toman

Creative Direction: Rich Chapman

Creative Strategy: Joy Crocker

Design: Colin Mealey

Design: Fara DiNoto

Design: Kaitlyn Coy

Design: Mary Cronley

Motion Graphics: Stephen Yee

Producer - Photos: Grace Elliot

Producer - Video: Kaitlin Fazio

Video Editing: Jeff Carlson


Health Empowerment Summit


Trade Show Booth